Digital Forensics Case Study

Case Study 1: Mobile Forensics Audit – Evidence Tampering Uncovered

Objective: To determine evidence tampering in a mobile device related to an ongoing investigation.


  1. Conducted a comprehensive forensic audit on Mobile device
  2. Utilized advanced tools for data extraction, timeline analysis, and deleted data recovery.


  1. Clear evidence of tampering detected, including altered timestamps and deleted data.
  2. Recovery of intentionally deleted communication threads and manipulation of metadata and GPS data.

Implications: The identified tampering compromises the investigation’s integrity, necessitating careful handling of digital evidence.


  1. Preserve the original device as evidence.
  2. Consider expert witness testimony for legal proceedings.
  3. Implement enhanced security measures to prevent future tampering.

Conclusion: East Africa Hitech Solutions successfully uncovered evidence tampering, highlighting the critical role of Digital Forensics Services in maintaining investigation integrity.

Case Study 2: Mobile Device Hack and Identity Fraud

Objective: Investigate a mobile device hack linked to identity fraud.


  1. Examined compromised mobile device.
  2. Traced unauthorized access points and activities.


  1. Identified an impersonator who hacked the device.
  2. Impersonator committed fraud using the victim’s identity.

The hack facilitated identity fraud, compromising the victim’s personal information.

  1. Strengthen device security.
  2. Report the identity fraud incident to relevant authorities.

East Africa Hitech Solutions uncovered a mobile device hack leading to identity fraud, underscoring the need for enhanced digital security.

Case Study 3: Mobile Forensics – Unauthorized Access and Ad Fraud

Objective: Conduct a mobile forensics investigation into a hacked account resulting in a Facebook advertising ban and misappropriation of ad funds.


  1. Investigated compromised mobile device linked to the account.
  2. Traced unauthorized access and activities on the affected Facebook advertising account.


  1. Uncovered evidence of unauthorized access leading to a Facebook advertising ban.
  2. Identified competitors as perpetrators who misused ad funds for their campaigns.

Implications: The unauthorized access not only resulted in a ban but also financially benefited competitors through misappropriation of ad funds.


  1. Strengthen account security measures.
  2. Report the incident to Facebook and relevant authorities.

Conclusion: East Africa Hitech Solutions successfully identified unauthorized access culminating in a Facebook advertising ban and the redirection of ad funds to competitors. This case underscores the importance of robust digital security measures in protecting advertising assets.

Case Study 4: Document Forensic Examination – Forged Stamp Impressions and Signature

Objective: Conduct a document forensic examination to determine the authenticity of stamp impressions and a signature.


  1. Received documents for forensic analysis.
  2. Employed advanced techniques to scrutinize stamp impressions and signatures.


  1. Forged Stamp Impressions:
    • Identified irregularities in the texture and alignment of stamp impressions.
    • Utilized microscopic analysis to reveal inconsistencies in ink composition.
  2. Forged Signature:
    • Analyzed signature dynamics, revealing variations inconsistent with genuine signatures.
    • Detected subtle pen pressure inconsistencies and stroke irregularities.

Implications: The document contained both forged stamp impressions and a signature, suggesting intentional manipulation to deceive.


  1. Enhance Security Measures:
    • Implement additional security features such as holograms or watermarking.
    • Educate stakeholders on recognizing genuine stamps and signatures.
  2. Verification Protocols:
    • Establish robust verification processes for stamp impressions and signatures.
    • Train personnel on recognizing potential signs of forgery.

Conclusion: East Africa Hitech Solutions conclusively identified forged stamp impressions and a signature through meticulous document forensic examination. This case underscores the critical need for stringent security measures and verification protocols to prevent and detect document fraud.

Case Study 5: DVR/CCTV Forensic Examination – Employee Theft Investigation

Objective: Conduct a forensic examination of DVR/CCTV footage to investigate the theft of $200,000 from the company safe, allegedly committed by an identified employee on his off days.


  1. Collected DVR/CCTV footage covering the timeframe of the alleged theft.
  2. Scrutinized footage to trace the movements and activities of the identified employee.


  1. Unauthorized Access:
    • Identified the employee entering the premises on his scheduled off days.
    • Detected instances of the employee accessing the secure area containing the safe.
  2. Theft Activity:
    • Observed the employee interacting with the safe and carrying a bag consistent with the alleged stolen amount.

Implications: The forensic examination provided clear evidence linking the identified employee to the unauthorized access and subsequent theft from the company safe.


  1. Enhanced Access Controls:
    • Review and strengthen access control policies.
    • Implement additional security measures for sensitive areas.
  2. Employee Monitoring:
    • Enhance monitoring of employee activities during non-working hours.
    • Consider implementing automated alerts for unusual access patterns.

Conclusion: Through meticulous DVR/CCTV forensic examination, East Africa Hi Tech Solutions successfully uncovered evidence of an employee stealing $200,000 from the safe during his off days. This case emphasizes the importance of comprehensive security measures and regular monitoring to prevent internal theft.

Case Study 6: DVR/CCTV Forensic Examination – Recording Module Tampering

Objective: Conduct a forensic examination of DVR/CCTV footage to investigate the theft of cement, revealing suspicious activity suggesting the DVR recording module was intentionally switched off.


  1. Collected DVR/CCTV footage covering the timeframe of the alleged theft.
  2. Examined the footage to identify any anomalies or irregularities.


  1. Recording Module Tampering:
    • Observed deliberate actions indicating the DVR recording module was switched off during the period of the theft.
    • Identified an individual with access to the system intentionally disabling the recording functionality.
  2. Theft Activity:
    • Noted the absence of recorded footage during the theft, aligning with the timeframe of the recording module being disabled.

Implications: The forensic examination strongly suggests that the DVR recording module was intentionally switched off to facilitate the theft of cement.


  1. Enhanced Security Protocols:
    • Implement stricter access controls for the DVR system.
    • Regularly audit and monitor DVR settings to detect unauthorized changes.
  2. Redundancy Measures:
    • Explore options for redundant recording systems to ensure continuous surveillance, even in the event of tampering.

Conclusion: Through DVR/CCTV forensic examination, East Africa Hi Tech Solutions identified a case of recording module tampering, facilitating the theft of cement. This underscores the importance of robust security protocols and redundancy measures in safeguarding against unauthorized activities.

Case Study 7: Identity Theft and Facebook Impersonation Scam

Objective: Investigate identity theft and impersonation of a compromised Facebook account leading to fraudulent solicitations for welfare fund contributions.


  1. Initiated an inquiry into reports of unauthorized activities on the victim’s Facebook account.
  2. Conducted a digital forensic analysis of the compromised account.


  1. Identity Theft:
    • Established unauthorized access to the victim’s personal information, leading to identity theft.
    • Detected changes in account credentials and security settings.
  2. Impersonation Scam:
    • Uncovered fraudulent activities involving the impersonation of the victim.
    • Identified scams soliciting money for fictitious welfare fund contributions.

Implications: The compromised Facebook account was exploited to impersonate the victim and scam individuals under the guise of welfare fund contributions.


  1. Account Security Measures:
    • Reinforce account security with multi-factor authentication.
    • Educate users on recognizing and reporting suspicious activities.
  2. Digital Hygiene Education:
    • Promote awareness about online safety, identity theft, and scams.

Conclusion: East Africa Hi Tech Solutions exposed a case of identity theft and impersonation on Facebook, highlighting the urgency of implementing robust security measures and fostering digital literacy to combat online scams.

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